Check out the latest press releases from Lars Larsen Group.
ScanCom International welcomes Alexander Falter as new Chief Executive Officer of the outdoor furniture production company.
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For the 19th consecutive year, JYSK and Lars Larsen Group support the charity fundraising Danmarks Indsamling. This year, the two companies are donating DKK 2 million to help children in need.
Lars Larsen Group A/S, with the subsidiaries JYSK, Actona Group, BOLIA, ILVA, SOFACOMPANY and ScanCom International, has achieved validation and approval of its CO2e reduction targets by the internationally acclaimed Science Based Targets initiative.
In the financial year 2023/24, SENG in Denmark reports revenue on par with the previous year at DKK 188.7m. The same applies to the EBIT result, which stands at DKK -5.9m, compared to last year's revenue of DKK 192.5m and EBIT of DKK -5.7m.
The new annual report from Danish design company BOLIA reveals growth and development across the board. The report shows an increase in revenue of 17 percent to DKK 1.43 billion, a rise in EBITDA of 54 percent from DKK 78.3 million to DKK 120.7 million and an EBIT result of DKK 28.2 million, which is an improvement of DKK 44.2 million compared to the previous year.
Large customer inventories of outdoor furniture and rising freight costs affected the annual results for outdoor furniture manufacturer ScanCom International. A new strategic direction for the company aims to make ScanCom International profitable again.
The internationally acclaimed Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has approved JYSKs greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The greatest impact will come from reducing emissions in the production of products.
Today, Denmark's largest chain of home furnishing stores, ILVA, presents a turnover of DKK 1.42bn for the financial year 2023/24 in Denmark. This represents a 3 percent increase. Revenue also grew in the Swedish market with an increase of 8 percent, and on ILVA's web shop revenue growth exceeded 17 percent.
When the Danish Cancer Association hosts the national fundraising show “Knæk Cancer” (Beat Cancer) for the 13th year in a row, JYSK and Lars Larsen Group will once again donate DKK 1 mio. to the cause.
The Danish design company, SOFACOMPANY, has increased store and web shop revenue and is now pursuing the goal of 40 European stores by 2025.
The furniture chain ILVA, with a new CEO at the helm, can now reveal how the company will strengthen its store concept both physically and digitally to continue with its expansion.
In a challenging and unforeseeable macroeconomic environment, furniture company Actona Group delivers a revenue of DKK 2.7bn for the financial year 2023/24.
Siden Letz Sushi meldte beslutningen om en solvent lukning ud i februar 2024, har fokus været på at hjælpe så mange medarbejdere som muligt med nye jobmuligheder. Størstedelen har nu fået jobs i andre virksomheder og nogle har sågar startet egne restauranter op i tidligere Letz Sushi lokaler.
After nearly 20 years in the market, the owners of Letz Sushi plan to close down the restaurant chain.
As of 5 February 2024, Lars Larsen Group’s head office is located in Silkeborg. In connection with the move, the family office changes its name from LLG A/S to Lars Larsen Group A/S.
For the 18th consecutive year, JYSK and Larsen Larsen Group support the charity fundraising Danmarks Indsamling by donating two million kroner to starving and vulnerable children.
With the results for the financial year 2022/23, Lars Larsen Group sets another revenue record in spite of continued global volatility and market uncertainty. The total revenue for the Group rose to DKK 45.4bn in 2022/23 – a three percent increase compared to the previous financial year, which also was a record year for the group.
Kim Møller Mønster will join ILVA as new CEO for the furniture chain headquartered in Sabro by Aarhus on 1 April 2024.
For the financial year 2022/23 (FY23), JYSK reached an EBIT result of DKK 3.96 billion (EUR 531 million) and increased its turnover by 6.3% to DKK 38.5 billion (EUR 5.2 billion.) The global home furnishing retailer continued its expansion plans and welcomed over 1.2 million new customers to its stores despite the slowdown in the global retail market.
The bed store chain SENG, which changed name from SengeSpecialisten in January 2023, closes the financial year 2022/23 with a turnover in Denmark of DKK 192.5m and an EBIT-result of DKK -5.7m. The company sustains its plans of expansion in Sweden in spite of the challenging market situation.
Lars Larsen Group and the subsidiaries JYSK, Actona Group, Bolia, ILVA, SOFACOMPANY, and ScanCom International sign up for the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Bolia presents a total sales results for 2022/23 of 1.3 billion DKK, which is at the same high level as 2021/22, a record year for the company. However, after thirteen consecutive profitable years, the EBIT result for the year 2022/23 landed at -5.6 million DKK compared to 50 million DKK the previous year.
The furniture group, ScanCom International A/S, achieves an improvement in the operational performance for the fiscal year 2022/23 despite being heavily affected by lacking sales and challenging market conditions.
Two of Silkeborg’s most significant commercial developers have joined forces to strengthen the city’s position as an attractive location for businesses, which will be able to attract jobs for the many newcomers.
ILVA closes the financial year 2022/23 with a turnover of DKK 1.4bn and the furniture chain maintains its focus on strengthening its work with sustainability and its brand awareness in Sweden.
The Danish design brand, SOFACOMPANY, continues its international expansion plan in spite of the challenges in the global retail market.
Actona Group presents a very satisfying result for the financial year 2022/23 despite a challenging and changing market characterised by inflation, cost increases, and geopolitical uncertainty.
With a commitment of EUR 100m Lars Larsen Group once again invests in renewable energy through Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ new flagship fund, Fund V.
1 September 2023 marks a significant change for the Lars Larsen Group-owned retail company JYSK when Rami Jensen becomes President and CEO after Jan Bøgh.
At the head office in Brabrand, the owner-family behind Lars Larsen Group and JYSK honours the founder of the company with a full-size bronze sculpture.
On 14 August 2023 Malene Rhode Carstensen joins Lars Larsen Group as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Continuing the expansion to new markets, JYSK will open its first two stores in Türkiye in the first week of May 2023.
While the global winds blow, Jesper Lund heads one of the biggest companies in Denmark. On 8 April, he turns 60.
The Aarhus Ø-quarter will soon house a new place to eat when ‘Restaurant Tiende’ and the wine- and cocktail bar ‘Den Fede Drue’ open on Wednesday 5 April.
After this summer’s DP World Tour golf tournament in Himmerland, the popular event will continue in a new setup under a new name.
The companies Lars Larsen Group, JYSK, and ILVA now officially support the goal of Aarhus Municipality to become carbon neutral in 2030. The three companies have all signed Climate Alliance Aarhus’ Commitment Paper.
To help the victims of the earthquake disaster in Türkiye and Syria, Lars Larsen Group and JYSK are donating a total of DKK 2 million to the Red Cross and UNICEF, who provide emergency aid in the affected areas.
Very few have made it on to the exclusive list of Danish hotels with a Nordic Eco-label-certification (Svanemærket). Now, HimmerLand resort is one of them.
For the 17th consecutive year, JYSK and Lars Larsen Group support the charity fundraising ‘Danmarks Indsamling’ and the amount donated is once again DKK 2 million - 1 million from JYSK and 1 million from Lars Larsen Group.
Søren Flemming Larsen joins Letz Sushi as the new CEO on 1 February 2023. He comes from Interflora Danmark where he was responsible for the overall e-commerce business, including nationwide online sales, for nearly 7 years.
From 1 September 2023, 5 people, with the combined experience of more than 100 years within JYSK retail, will develop and run the new business area Lars Larsen Group Retail (LLGR) under Lars Larsen Group.
Despite another year of global challenges Lars Larsen Group sets a new record in revenue for the financial year 2021/22.
After a year characterised by costs deriving from acquisitions and some difficult market conditions, SengeSpecialisten sustains a positive EBIT-result and lands another Gazelle-award.
For the financial year 2021/22, JYSK reached its highest EBIT result to date of DKK 4.56 billion (EUR 612 million) and increased turnover by 11% to DKK 36.2 billion (EUR 4.87 billion). However, the retail chain is now seeing the first signs of a slowdown in sales due to global challenges.
During the latest financial year, the design store chain Bolia has doubled up on expansion of its concept stores and once again set a new sales record.
Sustainability and innovation remain at the top of the agenda for the furniture group, ScanCom International A/S, in spite of the significant impact of lockdowns and blocked supply chains in the latest fiscal year.
Fusionen mellem Selected Car Group og Solid Leasing gør virksomheden til Danmarks største selskab for leasing af premiumbiler og investering i specialbiler.
Med et resultat på 6,5 milliarder før skat øgede Lars Larsen Group indtjeningen med over 50 procent i seneste regnskabsår.
Ønsket om at give publikum en endnu bedre oplevelse gør, at golfturneringen Made in HimmerLand reducerer antallet at billetter til turneringen i 2022
With an EBIT result of DKK 4.5 billion for the financial year 2020/21, JYSK has once again delivered a result at a historically high level.
Lars Larsen Group, som gennem en længere periode har været kunde i Formuepleje, bød tidligere på året på en større ejerandel af virksomheden. Transaktionen er nu godkendt af alle aktionærer og Finanstilsynet, og den familieejede kapitalforvalter føres videre med uændret værdisæt, der flugter med Lars Larsen Groups kerneværdier – købmandskab, ordentlighed og vækst.
Garia, the Danish vehicle manufacturer owned by the Lars Larsen Group, increases momentum on the utility side of the business to gain competitive edge and a larger product portfolio after the acquisition
SengeSpecialisten kan i dag præsentere både et flot overskud og et nyt navn.
Møbelkoncernen ScanCom International A/S har i det seneste regnskabsår opnået flot anerkendelse indenfor bæredygtighed.
Med et EBIT-resultat på 100 millioner kroner fortsætter ILVA fremgangen.
Den danske designvirksomhed SOFACOMPANY, der blev en del af Lars Larsen Group tidligere på året, har sat yderligere fart på væksten.
Kort tid efter et historisk rekordregnskab og annoncering af ny ambitiøs vækststrategi kan Actona Group nu offentliggøre opkøb af Theca. Lars Larsen Group styrker dermed sin position indenfor møbelpolstring markant.
Medarbejderne i Actona belønnes med 24.000 kroner hver efter nyt rekordår.
Boet efter Danmarks måske mest kendte købmand, Lars Larsen, er nu opgjort.
As of 1 September 2022, current President & CEO of JYSK, Jan Bøgh, will take up a new position as President & CEO of Lars Larsen Group Retail.
The green solutions of the future are the focal point of a new fund from Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, for which Lars Larsen Group has pledged 50 million EUR.
Mette Ravn bliver ny CEO i HimmerLand.
The very successful online retailer SOFACOMPANY becomes part of the family-owned Lars Larsen Group.
Den danske havemøbelproducent ScanCom har høstet international anerkendelse for sit fokus på miljø og bæredygtighed i produktionen.
CEO i Lars Larsen Group, Jesper Lund, overtager midlertidigt rollen som administrerende direktør for HimmerLand.
With a turnover of EUR 4.77 billion and a profit after tax of EUR 431 million, Lars Larsen Group set new records in the most recent financial year.
During the autumn of 2021, the name DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER will be changed to JYSK.
The golf tournament Made in Denmark, which is part of the PGA European Tour, is changing its name to Made in HimmerLand presented by FREJA after huge investment in the course and facilities.
Despite a number of special challenges, JYSK found the recipe for success and ended up with an increase in earnings of 15 percent in the financial year 2019/20.
With pre-tax profits of DKK 12 million, SengeSpecialisten can look forward to another good year. The next goal is expansion abroad
With a turnover of USD 161 million and a profit before tax of USD 12 million, the 2019/20 financial year proved to be a new record year for the Danish design company Bolia.
The Danish furniture group, ScanCom International A/S, have in the latest fiscal year massively invested in more sustainable production
After a good year, ILVA delivers a result close to zero, harvesting the fruits of the major changes made over the last two years
After an eventful year, Actona Company can today present record pre-tax profits of DKK 167 million for the 2019/20 financial year.
After almost 25 years in Actona Company A/S, CEO, Torben Skov Villadsen, has chosen to resign. Current CEO of Flügger Group, Jimmi Mortensen, will become new CEO
With a commitment of DKK 1 billion to investments in green energy, Lars Larsen Group is taking a big step towards a greener future
As of 1 October, Lars Larsen Group will be launching to gain an even stronger position within interior design and furnishing of e.g. hotels, holiday resorts and youth housing
The founders of cashback site EOVENDO, Martin Østergaard and Nicolas Ibenforth, have taken over the entire ownership of the company with effect from 1 June
JYSK, ILVA, and SengeSpecialisten are names that most people associate with the family-owned Lars Larsen Group, which was founded by businessman Lars Larsen and owns and invests in a number of companies.
Despite a lot of challenges JYSK reached the highest turnover ever during the financial year 2019/20.
As of 1 January 2022, all new wooden products launched in JYSK will be FSC certified. By the end of 2024, all wood products in JYSK will be made from FSC certified wood
After a financial year that has been significantly negatively affected by the global COVID-19 crisis, Lars Larsen Group is now investing DKK 400 million into the company behind HimmerLand
Current CEO of Backtee, Thomas Knudsen, will become the future owner and sole responsible for the future development of the company. For almost 25 years, Lars Larsen Group has owned the Silkeborg based company, Backtee, which sell golf clothes and golf equipment worldwide.
On 29 May the exclusive Danish lighting company ONEA will sign an agreement with Lars Larsen Group. Under the agreement, Lars Larsen Group acquires 30% of ONEA A/S’ shareholding.
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